Get Started
The QL-EOS-S3 board is a unique, low-cost microcontroller with a built-in FPGA.
What you need
- QL-EOS-S3 breakout board
- USB-C cable
- 3.3V FTDI cable (or other USB-serial converter)
- (optional) Teensy 3.2, for restoring the SPI flash.
- (optional) ARM SWD adapter, such as the Black magic probe
- ARM GCC toolchain, to compile code for the Cortex M4 processor
- Symbiflow toolchain, for generating FPGA bitstreams
- The QORC Software Development Kit
- Blinkinlabs example projects
Step 1: Install the toolchain
Follow the toolchain setup instructions
Step 2: Build an example project
Test a project that uses both the ARM and FPGA toolchains:
cd ~/ql-eos-s3/qorc-sdk/bl_apps/bl_helloworldhw/GCC_Project
Step 3: Connect to the board
Connect your board to your computer using a USB cable. Next, connect an FTDI cable:
Open your favorite serial terminal, and connect to the FTDI serial port with 115200,8N1 setting. Press the reset button on the board (the one closest to the SPI flash chip). The device should send a prompt:
Blinkinlabs QL-EOS-S3 Breakout Bootloader
SW Version: qorc-sdk/qf-apps/qf_bootloader(v2) (GCC)
Nov 11 2020 00:29:45
As soon as you see the prompt, press and hold the user button (the one furthest from the SPI flash chip). The device will then go into bootloader mode, and send a prompt:
User button pressed: switch to download mode
FPGA Programmed
Presss Reset button after flashing ..
If instead you see a message 'User button not pressed: proceeding to load application', just press reset, and try again.
Step 4: Upload the example project
And try uploading it to the board:
python3 ~/ql-eos-s3/TinyFPGA-Programmer-Application/ --m4app output/bin/bl_helloworldhw.bin --reset
CLI mode
ports = ['/dev/ttyACM0 (QuickFeather)'] 1
Using port /dev/ttyACM0 (QuickFeather)
Programming m4 application with bl_helloworldhw.bin
Erasing designated flash pages
Erase 64.0 KiB ( 0xd8 ) at 0x80000
Erase 32.0 KiB ( 0x52 ) at 0x90000
Erase 4.0 KiB ( 0x20 ) at 0x98000
Writing binary
Write 102172 bytes
Verifying binary
FastREAD 0x0B ( 102172 )
Success: read_back == data
Writing metadata
Erasing designated flash pages
Erase 4.0 KiB ( 0x20 ) at 0x13000
Writing metadata
Write 8 bytes
[X] ]
Verifying metadata
FastREAD 0x0B ( 8 )
[X] ]
Success: read_back == data
Reset the device
boot sent
On the serial terminal, the board should send progress updates:
Addr: 0x00080000
Erase 64 KBytes() .. done
Addr: 0x00090000
Erase 32 KBytes() .. done
Addr: 0x00098000
Erase 4 KBytes() .. done
Addr: 0x00013000
Erase 4 KBytes() .. done
And once it's finished, it will automatically restart:
Blinkinlabs QL-EOS-S3 Breakout Bootloader
SW Version: qorc-sdk/qf-apps/qf_bootloader(v2) (GCC)
Nov 11 2020 00:29:45
User button not pressed: proceeding to load application
Quicklogic QuickFeather Standalone FPGA
SW Version: qorc-sdk/qf_apps/qf_helloworldhw
Nov 18 2020 18:01:17